A SHIFT towards multifunctional outdoor spaces means it’s increasingly important to spend time properly planning your outdoor area.
“There is a perception that spending on landscape architecture is not necessary — but if budgeted for accordingly, investment in professional outdoor design can add a huge amount of value to your home”. There are five key outdoor trends that should be on your home – improvement list to add value on your home:
Source: News
ATO are receiving a large number of tax returns with an incorrect residency status for working holiday makers.
ATO encourage taxpayers understand whether they are a resident for tax purposes, and check they have completed their status correctly before lodging their tax returns. Let them know that most working holiday makers on a 417 or 462 visa are not Australian residents due to their pattern of working and holidaying while in Australia. Advise them that the tax rates for working holiday makers on a 417 or 462 visa changed and two different rates apply for their 2017 tax returns. Taxpayers must pay:
ATO will review residency when processing taxpayers' tax returns. If it is inconsistent with other information we hold, ATO will adjust the residency status before issuing their notice of assessment. Source: Are you an Australian residency for tax purposes Working holiday makers |
August 2020